Leaving The Holliday
The Holiday Building is one of the most iconic structures in the Brazilian northeast, there are 476 apartments and 17 stores. The Building was inaugurated in 1956 in the district of Boa Viagem, in the South Zone of Recife, only 50 meters from the beach with the purpose of being a summer apartment. About 3 thousand people live in its moon-shaped structure in one of the noblest districts of the capital of Pernambuco, with rooms starting at R$ 35 thousand, but many rented their houses at a R$450, 00 fee.
Without receiving the necessary care it needed, the building started to deteriorate and reached a breaking point. The Fire department alongside the city hall's civilian defense office Sealed the building and cleared out all of its inhabitants due to the risk of fire of major proportions in the building. With the same electric wires used on its construction 63 years ago and without receiving any kind of maintenance on its structure the authorities were forced to shut down the access to the building and its 476 apartments. The complete absence of hydrants and fire extinguishers made the interdiction inevitable.
The order came with a five-day warning and the inhabitants of the building had to leave at all costs, but even with the city's hall providing trucks for the moving many didn't have any place to go, while others refused to leave the building until the last day, afraid of losing the place they called home for more than 30 years.